BestCards is a list of all the top credit cards on the internet, reviewed by our team of credit card ninjas. As of today, having 800 credit card reviews, detailed content, and more.

HotelCards, similar to that of AirlineCards, but here we focus on the hospitality industry and hotels around the world, and the credit cards that cater unique benefits towards them.

The term Ninjas, is defined as a “person who excels in a particular skill or activity.” Here our credit card team, is otherwise referred to as the Credit Card Ninjas, because they have both the skills and the knowledge to provide detailed credit card information, reviews, and educational information to the online viewers.

With AirlineCards we go truly in-depth of not only detailed reviews, but also, truly digging inside the benefits and perks available to travels and various content on the airline industry as well.

StudentCards, is still under development, but with this site, we are aiming to truly offer education information to students, as well as credit cards sponsored by the universities they attend.